food july 2011 357

Mangosteen tree

When the fruit is matured, it has a deep purplish outer layer with white, smooth, succulent segmented flesh covering a seed, sometimes the segments may be seedless.The taste is sweet leaning towards tartness and the texture is a combination of custard apple, sour sop and lychee. At the bottom of the fruit, is a dark brown pattern that looks like flattened petals. The number of petals in this design is an indication of the number of segments to be found inside the mangosteen.To open the fruit, clasp your palms, interlocking your fingers (acting as a vice) and place the fruit (bottom facing up) in between holding the fruit, squeeze gently and the bottom of the fruit will open. Becareful not to get the juice onto clothings, carpets as the stains cannot be washed off. This fruit and durians are banned from hotels. The season for durians and mangosteen are June-August.

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