Dim sum & food july 2011 192

This species of durian is known as “Musang King”

The durian tree is native of Malaysia and can live up to 100 years. It thrives well in a tropical climate and grown in neighbouring countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Burma.Durians are harvested after they have fallen to the ground when they are ripe and must not be picked from the tree as the flavors will not be fully matured. Malaysian durians are regarded the best and very highly prized. They are jungle green in hue, spiky and size ranges. The flesh can be dry, firm texture to sof & moist and is either pale yellow in colour to creamy yellow or to deep yellow colour. The taste can be sweet to extremely sweet with a bitter undertone.Durians are segmented and each segment contains a seed. The seeds are inedible. Nowadays, most of the durians in the market are cross pollinated to obtain the highest yield per tree, maximun flavor and taste. Each will have its own individual texture, color, flavor and taste. Cross pollinated trees have names like 101, D24, Musang king, Ang Hae (red prawns), Hor Lo, Ang gin and the list goes on.The durian has a strong smell, but the custard-like taste is hard to resist especially if you are a durian fanatic. The durian flesh are made into custard-like sauces, fillings for cakes and cream puffs, dodol (a local durian cake), durian candy, ice cream, mix into cake batters, tempoyak (fermented durian), durian flavored mooncakes, the list is endless.

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