condiments 011

Garlic chives or Kow Choy

Garlic chives, also known as Chinese chives are among the easiest to grow of the fresh herbs, impart a light garlicky flavour. Harvest the fresh leaves as needed and within days a new crop will appear.
Related to the lily, garlic chives are a hardy, bulbous, perennial plant. They have flat fleshy leaves that grow to 20-38 cm high. If left to mature,white flowers in a globular head will appear. Flowering chives or kow choy fa are sold by the bunch. This is highly sought after and can be expensive. The stem closer to the root are woody and fibrous and have to be discarded, cut the rest into 5 cm lengths. Str-fry with garlic, meat or seafood flavoured with oyster sauce.
The whole plant are used, cut into 5 cm lenghths for stir-fry. The garlic chives are used in omelets,dim sum fillings, Malaysian noodle dish char kueh teow, a classic Cantonese dish is to stir-fry with blood cockles or coagulated pig’s blood, lightly blanched and dressed in light soy sauce, pepper and onion oil.
Kow wong, is a white yellow garlic chive that is grown in the absence of sunlight. Sold in bundles and much more expensive than normal garlic chives. Use like the green variety.

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